Policy Statement
Ben Williams Recruitment is committed to providing a high-level service to our customers. If you do not receive satisfaction from us, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
If you have a complaint, please contact the Business Manager (Joe Wainwright) by email on joe@benwilliamsrecruitment.com.
In the first instance we will try to resolve your complaint informally. If this is not possible, and you wish to make the complaint formal, we will:
Send you an email acknowledging your complaint and asking you to confirm or explain the details set out. You can expect to receive our email within 5-days of us receiving your complaint.
Record your complaint.
Investigate your complaint.
Invite you to speak with us to discuss and hopefully resolve your complaint.
Write to you to confirm what took place and any solutions he has agreed with you.
If you are still not satisfied, you can write to us again and we will conduct another investigation. We will inform you of our final position on your complaint and explaining our reasons. If you are still not satisfied, you can contact the Employment Agencies Standards Inspectorate at the Department for Business Innovation and Skills or the REC, the industry trade association, of which we are a member by writing to the Consultancy and Compliance Team, REC, Dorset House, 1st Floor, 27 - 45 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9NT.
We will comply with any statutory procedures that may relate to your complaint.